Helsinki Design Week Design Culture Salon
Erottaja 2, Helsinki
Wednesday 11 September 2019, 1700-1900
This panel discussion brings together some of Finland’s leading design researchers to debate the ways by which the global ecological crisis is addressed in design. Developing sustainable materials, investigating new systems of production and consumption, or imagining new urban/rural relationships are just a few of the things that design researchers do. What is needed so that design research has more impact in the ‘real world’? How might the design profession benefit? How can design researchers work with others in new ways to address the urgent challenges of climate change, and what are the implications? Through these and many other questions, we will explore the near-future of design beyond ‘business as usual’.
Chair: Guy Julier, Professor of Design Leadership, Aalto University
Eeva Berglund, Adjunct Professor of Environmental Policy, Aalto University
Michael Lettenmeier, sustainability consultant and author of 1.5 Degree Lifestyles
Mikko Jalas, Professor of Sustainable Consumption, Aalto University
Ramia Maze, Professor of New Frontiers in Design, Aalto University
Kirsi Niinimäki, Professor of Fashion, Aalto University